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Moco Queen Contacts Review: Is It Legit?

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Changing your eye color to that of your favorite character might be some of the most satisfying things to do as a cosplayer. Cosplay contacts are simple yet super awesome elements that help complete the costume and the transformation. Let’s take a look at our Moco Queen contacts review to see if they are a great fit for your costume.


Moco Queen Contacts Review

Moco Queen Review



Upon receiving the package, we have to admit that Moco Queen has done quite an outstanding job on its packaging. We can see the dedication and the thought that they had put into the products. 

The beautiful-looking Moco Queen box includes a pair of contact lenses, a gifted logo case to protect your lens, with apply and removal tools. They even have a tutorial on how to wear contact lenses for beginners printed on the side of the box. For us, this is a great sign of Moco Queen showing appreciation toward its customers.

On each lens package, you will see the CE marking from the EU, KFDA marking from the Korean Food and Drug Administration, and GMP from WHO. Which are all indications that these lenses are safe to wear and will not cause any harm to your eye as well as your vision. 


The lenses are 40% water which makes them extremely soft and comfortable to wear. When you first put on the lenses you might feel a bit uncomfortable, like having sand in your eyes, but that feeling will quickly wear off and you will feel that the lenses just fit perfectly. It is so comfortable wearing these that we think you can easily wear them for 8+ hours without feeling any discomfort. 

Prescription Contacts

According to the FDA, selling contact lenses without a prescription is illegal since they are categorized as medical devices. That’s why you must be prescribed by a doctor to buy Moco Queen’s contacts. 

Design and Colors

The designs from Moco Queen are wonderful, there are so many good options to choose from. They have all kinds of cosplay lenses from famous anime like Jujutsu Kaisen, and Naruto to great TV shows like the walking dead or superhero movies like Moon Night. 

Not only do they have diverse color lenses, but they also have special lenses that glow. Even though these lenses only glow in the dark or under UV light, but still, they are great adaptations for a more realistic look and comic-accurate cosplay.


Unlike other brands that provide lenses that enlarge your pupils and make your eye look extremely unrealistic, Moco doesn’t. Due to the diameter of the lenses, Moco Queen contacts do make your eye a bit bigger, but in a more natural way and not too dramatic.

UV protection 

Moco wants to make beautiful, safe lenses for users’ eyes. That’s why they also include a special UV protection material in their lenses to protect your eyes from sunlight.  


Dry eye

The lenses absorb your tears to keep them soft and let you feel comfortable wearing them, but the downside is they can make your eye feel dry. This lack of tears can lead to itchiness and redness and if you let this happen for a long time, it can even lead to permanent scarring of the cornea. 

A simple way to overcome this is to use eye drops to lubricate the eye to avoid any unnecessary injury.

Obscured vision 

These beautiful-looking lenses do have a major drawback which is the fact that you won’t be able to see as much wearing them. Of course, it will be quite hard to see through these kinds of decorative lenses since they have many colors and designs on them. But it is not to the point that you cannot see anything or cannot complete your daily tasks. It's more like having a blurry vision when putting them on.

How To Wear Moco Queen Contacts?

Wearing a pair of contacts for the first time might be confusing, so here are some steps you can follow to easily wear Moco Queen contacts. 

Remember, before wearing contacts you will need to let them sit in the contact lens solution for at least 4-8 hours. This is to ensure that your contacts are fully cleaned and there are no germs and bacteria left on the lenses.

  1. Wash your hands with soap and dry them. 
  2. Put the lens onto your finger or the tool provided
  3. Use the other hand to slightly pull down your lower eyelid 
  4. Put the contact lens onto the white part of your eye where you have just pulled it down. (You should let the edge of the lens touch your eye first.) 
  5. Gently press the lens onto your eye until you feel that it has fully fit. You should blink a few times to put the lens in the correct position. When done, you might feel a bit uncomfortable for a few seconds. This is a normal reaction; your eye is just adapting to the lens. But if you few uncomfortable any longer, immediately take off the products and report back to Moco Queen.
  6. After using your contacts, gently remove them with the tool in the box. 
  7. Clean them under warm water.
  8. Put them back in the case to avoid any bacteria. 

Conclusion: Are Moco Queen Contacts Legit?

Through our detailed review, it is safe to say that Moco Queen contacts are gorgeous and friendly to your eyes. Their colors feel real and natural as they blend easily into your eyes. 

If you are new to cosplay lenses, then buying Moco Queen contacts is the way to go. The brand is super user-friendly since it gifted customers a lens case, contacts apply and removal tools along with an instruction on how to use them, all included in your order. Even though the prices are a bit high, you can always use Moco Queen coupon codes to cut down on those high prices.